Title: ‘Sally’s Place 75 Fowler Street, Camperdown 2020
Our next-door neighbour Sally had a fantastic frangipani tree which our daughter loved to climb with friends.
Sally had said the kids could climb it whenever they felt like it. They would often be hanging out in the tree playing. We were all renting and sadly Sally has moved then we moved but we always loved that time. This picture shows Libby and Buster playing as they always did whenever screen time was limited.
Method: Wacom drawing coloured in Photoshop.
Prints for sale:
Digital prints: $15 each plus postage (please contact me directly at joel@joeltarling.com, as these are printed on demand).
Archival digital prints: $55 each plus postage (please contact me directly at joel@joeltarling.com, as these are printed on demand).
For more information