Title: ‘Bec’s Garden’ 77 Fowler Street, Camperdown 2020

In every rental we lived in Bec made beautiful gardens. They were our little city sanctuaries we loved them but we were always nervous we’d make these homes too nice and the Real Estate Agent would put our rent up, which they did.

I wish there was a better system for renters in Australia. Were renters weren’t treated as a section of the comminity to gouge more and more money from without maintaining the property by owners and lazy agents, but as the people who care for the owner’s investment and the renter could feel it’s their home.

Method: Wacom drawing coloured in Photoshop.

Prints for sale:

Digital prints: $15 each plus postage (please contact me directly at joel@joeltarling.com, as these are printed on demand).

Archival digital prints: $55 each plus postage (please contact me directly at joel@joeltarling.com, as these are printed on demand).

For more information

Joel Tarling – The Trees That Are Special To Me